What does it mean to be a Living Wage employer?

Living Wage Employer

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Global Moving Services is proud to be a fully accredited Living Wage UK employer! This is in recognition of us voluntarily paying our staff a salary that meets their everyday needs – not just the government minimum. 

What is the real Living Wage?

The real Living Wage is a voluntary rate of pay that meets today’s living costs not just the recommended government minimum. It was set up by the Living Wage Foundation.

The Living Wage Foundation offer accreditation to employers that pay the independently-calculated Living Wage rates to all staff in London and the UK, or those committed to an agreed timetable of implementation, by awarding the Living Wage Employer Mark. 

Every November, real Living Wage rates are announced based on the best available evidence about living standards in London and the rest of the UK. The Living Wage Foundation also provided advice and support about implementing these rates including best practice guides, case studies from leading employers, model procurement frameworks and access to specialist legal and HR advice. 

This is celebrated across the UK every November by the “Living Wage Week”.

What does being a real Living Wage employer mean for our employees?

The real Living Wage is the only UK wage rate that is voluntarily paid by nearly 9,000 UK businesses, like ourselves, who believe in recognising the hard work and dedication of their employees by paying them a salary that meets their everyday needs. And we are in good company, other real Living Wage providers include KPMG, Brewdog, Burberry and Ikea.

Paying the Living Wage means that our employees benefit from a better salary, one that allows for their day-to-day living costs as it not only covers the weekly shop but that unexpected visit to the dentist. The real Living Wage is also higher than the government’s suggested “national living wage” as that is based on what businesses can afford, not what employees actually need to live.

Being paid a higher salary helps our employees to feel valued and improves working relationships between staff and their managers.

What does being a real Living Wage employer mean for our customers?

Being a real Living Wage employer not only improves the reputation of our business but it also shows our customers how much we value and believe in our staff. 

This long-term investment in our people ensures that our customers benefit by receiving a great experience, whether you are an individual moving abroad or a company HR department planning global relocations.

On the 15th November, the recommended real Living Wage rate was increased and all employees will receive the new rate and rise in pay by the 15th May 2022. 

In short, choosing to move with a global moving company that pays the real Living Wage is not only good for business but good for the wider society. 

Find out more about the real Living Wage here – https://www.livingwage.org.uk

Global Moving Services - a living wage employer

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